Sunday, October 30, 2011


Today, I found out nowadays peoples' think according to stereotype. Firstly, what is stereotype? These I found on Wikipedia. Stereotypes are generalizations, or assumptions that people make about the characteristics of all members of a group based on an image (often wrong) about what people in that group are like. For example, one study of stereotypes revealed that Americans are generally considered to be friendly, generous, and tolerant, but also arrogant, impatient, and domineering. Asians, on the other hand, were expected to be shrewd and alert, but reserved. Clearly, not all Americans are friendly and generous; and not all Asians are shrewd. If you assume you know what a person is like, and don't look at each person as an individual, you are likely to make errors in your estimates of a person's character. In conflicts, people tend to develop overly-negative images of the other side. The opponent is expected to be aggressive, self-serving, and deceitful, for example, while people view themselves in completely positive ways. These stereotypes tend to be self-perpetuating. If one side assumes the other side is deceitful and aggressive, they will tend to respond in a similar way. The opponent will then develop a similar image of the first party, and the negative stereotypes will be confirmed. They may be growing worse, as communication is shut down and escalation heightens emotions and tension.

Most of them did not even experience themselves in a situation, then they have managed to figure out what is the thing or stuff was. Example like, did we really know what's had happen out of the space which located far away from us? Have you even seen it or it is just your illumination that imagine by yourself? And so, this is what am I talking to myself. Yes, I don't know about that. Just like design, we always just refer to the good designer's work which we think they are excellent. I am wondering why do we confirm the work which done by a good designer are always good? No one knows that. The world are big, we can't judge who is the one is the good designer. What do we know on a good designer is because we have been told by our lecturer, friends, etc. Just an example, how about Picasso's work which considers a "simply" drawn art is a good drawing? Why? Even a 3 years old boy can draw as what he drawn. And why we did considered him as a good artist? This is because everything has been stereotype. Obviously, the stereotype has given big influences towards the world.

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